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The Wonder of the Word

by Dr. John Zoller

~ out-of-print and in the public domain ~

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Please note: Below is the Introductory material of the book, however,if you wish to continue reading this fine book [and I truly hope you do!] download the chapters from the document file (which is absolutely free). You will have the option to either simply open it or to save it as your own possession. GOD bless you from the Baptist Bible Believers website!

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We are now living in the space age, an age in which every belief known to man is being critically examined and tested. GOD's Holy Word is now being made the special target for attack. Articles have been printed in current magazines in which the veracity and the credibility of GOD's Word has been questioned, and as a result many today are groping in a fog of doubt and unbelief.

Do we who are believers fear this attack? Indeed not, we welcome it for GOD's Holy Word needs no defense, all we need do is give it an opportunity to assert its power. Let me ask you, dear reader, just how much do you know about the Bible? Can you explain to your friends the fact of its formation? Do you know what is meant when we say that the Bible is inspired? Can you demonstrate its accuracy to the satisfaction of its most bitter critics? Can you speak from experience of its power to change lives?

Every Christian should know these things. It is pitiful how little knowledge the average Christian has regarding the Word of GOD. Go among the ranks of men-on the street, in our places of business, in the shops and factories, there you will find ignorant men holding up the Bible to ridicule and scorn. Thousands of people to-day doubt that the Bible is the Word of GOD. They doubt the existence of a personal GOD. They question the Deity and divinity of CHRIST.

Therefore there is a deep need that we deal with this question. If the Bible is the Word of GOD, if it is truly inspired and if it will meet our needs when we meet its conditions, then we have a foundation upon which we can build, a foundation which is eternally secure. But if the Bible is but the product of Man's mind, if it is full of errors and contradictions, full of speculations, not at all trustworthy and dependable as to its truth expressed, then we are like a ship at sea without a rudder, drifting we know not where.

I am asking those of you who have doubts regarding GOD's Holy Word that you read this book with an open mind. Do you really want to know the truth? If you do, then I can help you. If you are honest with yourself and with our Heavenly FATHER I know I can lead you out of this fog of doubt and unbelief into the glorious light and liberty of the Gospel of CHRIST.

I do want to thank the pastors and friends who have read the manuscript, given their suggestions, as well as the help I have received from the books I have read, I am deeply grateful to each and all.

But now, before you begin the reading of these chapters, will you, with me, ask GOD's Blessing upon your study?


Dear Heavenly FATHER - we are in big business, this task of setting before every reader the truth relative to Thy Wonderful Word. We want to help those who have doubts regarding its inspiration, its accuracy and its power. We want every reader of these pages to know that it is indeed living and powerful. We want to strengthen the Babes in CHRIST and give them a deeper appreciation of its truth and a greater desire to study its message.

Bless me as I read, help me to maintain an open mind, grant me the spiritual discernment Thou has promised, make my reading of this book a real Blessing, I ask in JESUS' Name. Amen.

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